Anthony was born in Queens, NY to two Russian parents, both engineers and both wonderful human beings. As a result of my upbringing English is "technically" my second language though it is certainly my dominant language and I pride myself on the breadth of my vocabulary and the strength of my knowledge thereof. Anthony loves to produce music, write, mix and master, He regularly hops on Smite to play a match or two. He loves Swimming and Tennis and still holds a records at his High School in swimming. He snowboards as well and actually spent this winter as an Instructor at a nearby mountain and spent the winter along with my sister teaching Aelleos to be awesome at riding. It was a fun one. He is currently working in Photovoltaics installing Solar Panels and studying the lost works of Nikola Tesla while pondering the true nature of our vast and wonderful universe.

Anyway, he got into DnD sort of by chance, his friends got into it randomly and he decided to give it a shot. It was weird to have to pretend to be a different character but still very cool. He built a bunch of memories building broken characters and how they were ultimately smashed and killed and dismantled by the DMs of the respective campaigns they were involved in. He decided, for the good of the party, that h would play a total healbot character and essentially fill a supporting role to allow the others in the group to shine and do some beastly stuff. It's a cool feeling, though he doesn't necessarily get to smash brains in with my attacks (only on occasion).