
Podcast Is Up!

Itunes has approved the new stream! Search up Dungeons and Disorder and you'll see the new hotness plus our old archive. I'm working on fixing the logo, not sure why Itunes mangled it. Please leave reviews :).



Past, Present and Future

Hello there Disorderly's, Leo here with a mouthful of an update. We have really enjoyed our time playing DND and hearing from you guys in both reviews, emails and on twitter. That being said, we're doing some things to improve the experience for our existing friends and hopefully new ones!

The first is that our first campaign, DM'd by Tim has now completed. Tim unfortunately has become mired in his real world adventure and needs to take a break from the podcast. We're hopeful he will be back, but in the meantime I will be DMing. All the old episodes will remain available here and on the itunes stream but we will be starting fresh with new characters. Which leads into our next change...

We will have a new stream for the new episodes. Let me repeat:


The new stream should have the same name as the old one. Just search up Dungeons & Disorder. If you have issues please please please send us an email or message and I'll get right on it.

We decided to do this for a variety of reasons, most importantly because the quality of our first episodes was really bad. With a new stream, new listeners will be able to come in without having to slog through those vocal nightmares. Second, the old stream was causing problems with episodes showing up whereas the new one should have no issues going forward.

Finally, there a bunch of other things going on in the background and we hope to start pushing them out to you guys soon. Thanks for listening and may all your rolls be 20's.



Twitch Streams & Fun Times

Hey there guys! Tim isn't able to host us this week for a game but fret not we'll be releasing a backlogged episode annnnnnd you get a bonus! Blake has graciously agreed to step in and DM a little interlude adventure using brand new characters and some brand new friends. We'll stream the play on both Alex and Blake's twitch streams. Starts tonight at 7PM EST. I hope you'll join us.  




Website Updates!

After a first round of feedback, I'm making updates to the website! We added all our episodes right here and I'll be updated our about pages with some more tantalizing stuff. You should be seeing some other cool new things so look forward to it.


Also if there's some feature you really want to see you should probably contact a certain Bard...
